Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Here are my answers, hope help you with this

How much of your annual income comes from your art, and how much comes from other sources?

From art: +/- 1000.00 USD
From others +/- 24,0000 USD
For get an idea about inflation differences,
Average house: 80,000 USD to 100,0000 USD
Average lunch on restaurant: 5.00 USD
Average supermarket for 15 days (2 adult, 1 kid): 200.00 USD
What percentage of your time do you actually spend working in your studio? And what do you spend the rest of your life doing to support that time?

During 24 hours
8 - 10 hours at works not related with art (stole at least 1 hour for art)
4 - 3 hours stuck in traffic
2 - 3 hours for art
Do you belong to any professional associations? If so, why? What are the advantages that membership provides you?

Do you belong to a wider artist's community, beyond any professional associations? What is that community, and why do you participate in it?

Who is your audience? Who buys your work? Does your audience consist of one consistent demographic, or different demographics? How have you expanded your audience over time? How do you market your work?

Who buys my works are between 20 persons from US.
500 followers on twitter mosly from the US, but not profitable.
1000 followers in Amino, from spain and latin americas, half of them inactive and the rest are no profitable because are still in college or higth school.
What sort of education and/or training have you pursued in your career as an artist? Was it worth it? What were the most valuable things you've taken away from your education or training?

As artist i no have formal education, i’ve learned using web’s tutorials.
Does your art practice have an impact on the way you do your taxes? If so, how?

Have any impact, the amount is so lower to be included in taxes.
What sorts of legal issues, if any, have you had to deal with in making or selling your art?

The basic common uses, the art is available for be shared without modifies and giving credit.

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